The New Way To Divorce in Santa RosaA Pioneering Divorce ModelA pioneering new divorce model has made its appearance in Santa Rosa and Sonoma County, and it is changing the way the business of divorce is being conducted by using a unique professional unheard of until now; the divorce facilitator. The process requires only that couples are willing to at least cooperate to end their divorce. The fact that 95% of all divorces in the United States end without the need for hearings to decide the divorce judgment reflects our experience right here in Santa Rosa, that 95% of couples that begin an uncontested divorce are able to finish it without divorce lawyers or divorce mediators. That is why at Go Divorce Clinic we practice a new approach we created to fill the actual needs of the majority of divorcing couples. Lawyers of Last ResortTypically divorcing couples will each solicit the assistance of an attorney, and those lawyers will typically request to represent them as clients in a contested divorce, often regardless of whether the Parties are arguing or not. In Santa Rosa, as everywhere across the country, many family law attorneys are in this way provoking divorcing couples into a fight instead of into an affordable collaborative process. This needs to change. Retaining divorce lawyers to represent divorcing couples ought to be the measure of last resort, not the first. In family law we are currently putting the cart before the horse by hiring legal representation for a contested divorce before there is any sign that a legal battle is necessary or inevitable. At Go Divorce Clinic, we started right here in Santa Rosa doing things different, and our clients are spreading the word fast throughout Sonoma County. Divorce FacilitatorsWhen couples choose to end a marriage, statistics show that 95% of them do not have any real agenda to fight over things. These couples need a facilitator that knows the terrain of the divorce process, and can conduct them through the choices and decisions they will need to make by providing information and at the same time do so while promoting a working cooperation between the divorcing parties. I have had conversations with divorce lawyers right here in Santa Rosa who actually do understand and agree with the spirit of this model of divorce, but lament that until their fellow divorce attorneys across the board learn to work together instead of in the typical adversarial contested way, these few thoughtful local lawyers find that their hands are tied. Divorce Para ProfessionalsA skilled divorce facilitator, when necessary, may refer clients in Santa Rosa to local professionals to address complex or nuanced circumstances that may arise as a marital estate is divided. At Go Divorce Clinic we have cultivated long term relationships with specific trusted community professionals and specialists that can assist in very specific ways when needed, even if only for brief consulting purposes. At Go Divorce Clinic we can reference and refer when needed to trusted and select wills and estate attorneys, mortgage and distress loan specialists, reverse mortgage brokers and short sale experts, certified divorce financial analysts, real estate lawyers, QDRO Specialists that are also family law attorneys, bankruptcy attorneys, financial planners, mental health practitioners with a strong child development background, and real estate agents. At Go Divorce Clinic we espouse that all couples facing the end of their marriage are entitled to a dignified and safe process, and we have proven that our model does that quite successfully. Those in Santa Rosa and Sonoma county who have experienced the innovative services of our clinic are recommending their friends and family in marital crisis whole heartedly to the Go Divorce Clinic, where we put an end to the ugly divorce one couple at a time by eliminating the need for divorce lawyers. Some day soon, everyone in the country seeking a divorce will use a divorce facilitator, and fortunately for us here in Santa Rosa and across Sonoma County Go Divorce is leading the way!
To schedule a consultation contact GDC at 707-978-6886 or Email.